To protect your privacy, we will never call or text you to ask for account information or personal details. We advise you never to give out your personal information or details about your account by clicking a link or on the phone. Please report any suspicious calls or text messages to America’s CU by contacting us at 1-888-742-6551. Protect yourself from fraudulent communications.
What a great gift for all ages and all occasions!
Fee Type | Amount |
Savings Withdrawal Fee | $1.00/withdrawal after 2 per month |
Christmas Club | $10.00/withdrawal outside annual disbursement |
Little Buck Account | $5.00/withdrawal after 1 per month |
Savings to Checking Transfer | $2.00/withdrawal after 6 per month |
Inactive Account | Inactive Account $4.00/month and account balance is $25.00 or less |
Overdraft Fee | $2.00/item |
NSF Fee | $25.00/item |
Return Item Fee | $25.00/item |
Stop Payment Fee | $25.00/request |
Check Order Fee | prices vary depending on style |
Copy of Check Fee | $2.00/item |
Business Account Fee | $10.00/month |
Courtesy Pay Fee | $25.00/item |
Paper Statement Fee | $3.00/month |
E-Pay/Bill Pay Fees | $5.50/month or FREE with E-Statements |
$25.00 NSF fee | |
$40.00 stop payment fee | |
$40.00 investigation fee | |
Replacement Debit Card | $5.00/card |
Out of Network ATM Fee | $1.00 |
Account Reconciliation Fee | $12.00/hour, $12.00 minimum charge |
Domestic Wire Transfer | $20.00/item |
International Wire Transfer | $50.00/item |
Incoming Domestics and International Wire Fee | $5.00/item |
Account Research Fee | $12.00/hour, $12.00 minimum charge |
Statement Copy Fee | $3.00/month |
Deposit Item Return Fee | $25.00/item |
Account Closure | $10.00 if closed within 90 days |
ACH Money Transfer Fee | $2.00 |
MasterCard Gift Card | $3.00 |