How Can You Prevent Account Takeover Fraud?

  • Recognize Fraudulent Communications: If someone posing as America's CU contacts you by phone, email, or text message and requests your account information, consider it fraud.
  • Do Not Respond: If you receive a text or email asking for account information, do not reply. Ignore the message, and do not call any phone numbers in the text message.
  • End Suspicious Calls: If you receive a phone call that seems to be a phishing attempt, end the call. Be aware that area codes can be misleading; a local area code doesn't always guarantee that a call is local.
  • Report Suspicious Activity: Contact us immediately if you suspect any fraudulent activity. Reporting helps protect you and other members.
  • Stay Informed: Visit our website's Security Center regularly for updates and tips on fraud prevention from America's CU.

Examples of Fraudulent Communications:

  • Emails or texts asking for personal information.
  • Phone calls requesting sensitive account details.
  • Messages with urgent language or threats to your account.

Common Scams to Watch Out For:

  • Phishing: Fraudulent emails or websites that look like they come from a trusted source.
  • Vishing: Voice phishing attempts over the phone.
  • Smishing: SMS phishing attempts via text messages

Stay vigilant and protect your personal information. For more information, visit our website.

If you receive a suspicious request for private account information, contact us immediately at (888) 742-6551 (or visit our website to verify our contact information).