Fraud Awareness - Recognize the Signs

Before you act on an email, text message, pop-up message, online messaging, or letter solicitation, talk to a family member or close friend first.  Protect your family and your finances. If you answer "yes" to any of these questions below, you could be the target of a scammer. Immediately call us at 888-742-6551.

Awareness is your best defense against fraud.

Table data for Fraud Awareness Checklist
Check List Yes No Alert Me
Have you received unusual communication requesting you to initiate transactions? For example: email, text, pop-up, online messaging, letter.
Did you approve an unknown 3rd party to access your electronic device(s)?
Have you shared your Internet Banking User ID or Password with anyone?
Have you been in communication with someone claiming to work for the credit union and were instructed to withdraw money?
Are you being threatened/coerced, coached or do you feel unsafe?
Are you being directed to send a wire transfer?
Are you being directed to deposit funds into a crypto currency terminal or wire funds to crypto entity?
Are you being directed to purchase gift cards, or transfer funds through a cash app?