To protect your privacy, we will never call or text you to ask for account information or personal details. We advise you never to give out your personal information or details about your account by clicking a link or on the phone. Please report any suspicious calls or text messages to America’s CU by contacting us at 1-888-742-6551. Protect yourself from fraudulent communications.
Due to the inclement weather and road conditions, we will close our Springfield office at 12:00 PM on February 18th. We will closely monitor conditions throughout the day and update you with any changes for Wednesday, February 19th. Our contact center, chat, and digital banking services are available for any questions. Please stay warm and safe.
Earn a $75 cash bonus for each new member you bring to America’s CU.
This Electronic Fund Transfer Agreement and Disclosure is the contract which covers your and our rights and responsibilities concerning the electronic fund transfers (EFT) services offered to you by America’s Credit Union (“Credit Union”). In this Agreement, the words “you,” “your,” and “yours” mean those who sign the application or account card as applicants, joint owners, or any authorized users. The words “we,” “us,” and “our” mean the Credit Union. The word “account” means any one (1) or more savings and checking accounts you have with the Credit Union. Electronic fund transfers are electronically initiated transfers of money from your account through the EFT services described below. By signing an application or account card for EFT services, signing your card, or using any service, each of you, jointly and severally, agree to the terms and conditions in this Agreement and any amendments for the EFT services offered. Furthermore, electronic fund transfers that meet the definition of remittance transfers are governed by 12 C.F.R. part 1005, subpart B—Requirements for remittance transfers, and consequently, terms of this agreement may vary for those types of transactions. A “remittance transfer” is an electronic transfer of funds of more than $15.00 which is requested by a sender and sent to a designated recipient in a foreign country by a remittance transfer provider. Terms applicable to such transactions may vary from those disclosed herein and will be disclosed to you at the time such services are requested and rendered in accordance with applicable law.
1. EFT SERVICES — If approved, you may conduct any one (1) or more of the EFT services offered by the Credit Union
a. Visa Debit Card. If approved, you may use your Visa® card to purchase goods and services from participating merchants. However, you may not use your card to initiate any type of gambling transaction. If you wish to pay for goods or services over the Internet, you may be required to provide card number security information before you will be permitted to complete the transaction. You agree that you will not use your card for any transaction that is illegal under applicable federal, state, or local law. Funds to cover your card purchases will be deducted from your checking account. For ATM and one-time debit card transactions, you must consent to the Credit Union’s overdraft protection plan in order for the transaction amount to be covered under the plan. Without your consent, the Credit Union may not authorize and pay an overdraft resulting from these types of transactions. Services and fees for overdrafts are shown in the document the Credit Union uses to capture the member’s opt-in choice for overdraft protection and the Schedule of Fees and Charges.
For other types of transactions, if the balance in your account is not sufficient to pay the transaction amount, the Credit Union may pay the amount and treat the transaction as a request to transfer funds from other deposit accounts, approved overdraft protection accounts, or loan accounts that you have established with the Credit Union. If you initiate a transaction that overdraws your account, you agree to make immediate payment of any overdrafts together with any service charges to the Credit Union. In the event of repeated overdrafts, the Credit Union may terminate all services under this Agreement. You may use your card and personal identification number (PIN) in ATMs of the Credit Union networks, and such other machines or facilities as the Credit Union may designate. In addition, you may use your Visa card without a PIN for certain transactions on the Visa networks. However, provisions of this Agreement relating only to Visa debit transactions, such as additional limits on your liability and streamlined error resolution procedures, do not apply to transactions processed through non-Visa networks. To initiate a Visa debit transaction, you may sign a receipt, provide a card number, or swipe or insert your card at a point-of-sale (POS) terminal and choose to route the transaction over a Visa network.
At the present time, you may also use your card to:
The following limitations on Visa Debit Card transactions may apply:
Card Information Updates and Authorizations. If you have authorized a merchant to bill charges to your card on a recurring basis, it is your responsibility to notify the merchant in the event your card is replaced, your card information (such as card number and expiration date) changes, or the account associated with your card is closed. However, if your card is replaced or card information changes, you authorize us, without obligation on our part, to provide the updated card information to the merchant in order to permit the merchant to bill recurring charges to the card. You authorize us to apply such recurring charges to the card until you notify us that you have revoked authorization for the charges to your card.
Your card is automatically enrolled in an information updating service. Through this service, your updated card information (such as card number and expiration date) may be shared with participating merchants to facilitate continued recurring charges. Updates are not guaranteed before your next payment to a merchant is due. You are responsible for making direct payment until recurring charges resume. To revoke your authorization allowing us to provide updated card information to a merchant, please contact us.
b. Telephone Banking. If we approve Telephone Banking for your accounts, a separate personal identification number (PIN) will be assigned to you. You must use your personal identification number (PIN) along with your account number to access your accounts. At the present time, you may use Telephone Banking to:
Your accounts can be accessed under Telephone Banking via a touch-tone telephone only. Telephone Banking service will be available for your convenience 24 hours per day. This service may be interrupted for a short time each day for data processing.
The following limitations on Telephone Banking transactions may apply:
The Credit Union reserves the right to refuse any transaction which would draw upon insufficient funds, exceed a credit limit, lower an account below a required balance, or otherwise require us to increase our required reserve on the account. All checks are payable to you as a primary member and will be mailed to your address of record. The Credit Union may set other limits on the amount of any transaction, and you will be notified of those limits. The Credit Union may refuse to honor any transaction for which you do not have sufficient available verified funds. The service will discontinue if no transaction is entered after numerous unsuccessful attempts to enter a transaction and there may be limits on the duration of each telephone call.
c. Preauthorized EFTs.
d. Electronic Check Conversion/Electronic Returned Check Fees. If you pay for purchases or bills with a check or draft, you may authorize your check or draft to be converted to an electronic fund transfer. You may also authorize merchants or other payees to electronically debit your account for returned check fees. You are considered to have authorized these electronic fund transfers if you complete the transaction after being told (orally or by a notice posted or sent to you) that the transfer may be processed electronically or if you sign a written authorization.
e. Home Banking. If Home Banking is activated for your account(s), you will be required to use secure login information to access the account(s). At the present time, you may use Home Banking to:
Your accounts can be accessed under Home Banking via personal computer. Home Banking will be available for your convenience 24 hours per day. This service may be interrupted for a short time each day for data processing. We reserve the right to refuse any transaction which would draw upon insufficient funds, exceed a credit limit, lower an account below a required balance, or otherwise require us to increase our required reserve on the account. All checks are payable to you as a primary member and will be mailed to your address of record. We may set other limits on the amount of any transaction, and you will be notified of those limits. We may refuse to honor any transaction for which you do not have sufficient available verified funds. The service will discontinue if no transaction is entered after numerous unsuccessful attempts to enter a transaction and there may be limits on the duration of each access.
The following limitations on Home Banking transactions may apply:
f. Mobile Banking. If Mobile Banking is activated for your account(s), you will be required to use secure login information to access the account(s). At the present time, you may use Mobile Banking to:
Your accounts can be accessed under Mobile Banking via mobile device or other approved access device(s). Mobile Banking will be available for your convenience 24 hours per day. This service may be interrupted for a short time each day for data processing. We reserve the right to refuse any transaction which would draw upon insufficient funds, exceed a credit limit, lower an account below a required balance, or otherwise require us to increase our required reserve on the account. We may set other limits on the amount of any transaction, and you will be notified of those limits. We may refuse to honor any transaction for which you do not have sufficient available verified funds. The service will discontinue if no transaction is entered after numerous unsuccessful attempts to enter a transaction and there may be limits on the duration of each access.
The following limitations on Mobile Banking transactions may apply:
g. Online Bill Pay. We will process bill payment transfer requests only to those creditors the Credit Union has designated in the User Instructions and such creditors as you authorize and for whom the Credit Union has the proper vendor code number. We will not process any bill payment transfer if the required transaction information is incomplete.
We will withdraw the designated funds from your checking account for bill payment transfer by the designated cutoff time on the date you schedule for payment. We will process your bill payment transfer within a designated number of days before the date you schedule for payment. You must allow sufficient time for vendors to process your payment after they receive a transfer from us. Please leave as much time as though you were sending your payment by mail. We cannot guarantee the time that any payment will be credited to your account by the vendor.
The following limitations on Online Bill Pay transactions may apply:
2. TRANSFER LIMITATIONS — For all Primary Share Savings, Kids Club Savings, Smart Start Club Savings, money market, and Kasasa Saver accounts, you may make no more than six (6) transfers and withdrawals from your account to another account of yours or to a third party in any month by means of a preauthorized, automatic, or Internet transfer, by telephonic order or instruction, or by check, draft, debit card or similar order. If you exceed these limitations, your account may be subject to a fee or be closed.
4. FEES AND CHARGES — We assess certain fees and charges for EFT services. For a current listing of all applicable fees and charges, see our current Schedule of Fees and Charges that was provided to you at the time you applied for or requested these EFT services. From time to time, the fees and charges may be changed, and we will notify you as required by applicable law.
Additionally, if you use an ATM not operated by us, you may be charged a fee(s) by the ATM operator and by any international, national, regional, or local network used in processing the transaction (and you may be charged a fee for a balance inquiry even if you do not complete a funds transfer). The ATM fee(s), or surcharge(s), will be debited from your account if you elect to complete the transaction and/or continue with the balance inquiry.
You understand and agree that we and/or the ATM operator may charge you multiple fees for multiple transactions during the same ATM session (for example, fees for both a balance inquiry and a cash withdrawal).
5. MEMBER LIABILITY — You are responsible for all transactions you authorize using your EFT services under this Agreement. If you permit someone else to use an EFT service, your card, or your access code, you are responsible for any transactions they authorize or conduct on any of your accounts.
TELL US AT ONCE if you believe your card or access code has been lost or stolen, if you believe someone has used your card or access code or otherwise accessed your accounts without your authority, or if you believe that an electronic fund transfer has been made without your permission using information from your check. Telephoning is the best way of keeping your possible losses down. You could lose all the money in your account (plus your maximum overdraft line of credit). If a transaction was made with your card or card number without your permission and was a Visa transaction, you will have no liability for the transaction, unless you were fraudulent or negligent in the handling of your account or card.
For all other EFT transactions involving your card or access code, including if you were negligent in the handling of your account or card, your liability for an unauthorized transaction is determined as follows. If you tell us within two (2) business days after you learn of the loss or theft of your card or access code, you can lose no more than $50.00 if someone used your card or access code without your permission. If you do NOT tell us within two (2) business days after you learn of the loss or theft of your card or access code and we can prove we could have stopped someone from using your card or access code without your permission if you had told us, you could lose as much as $500.00.
Also, if your statement shows transfers that you did not make including those made by card, access code, or other means, TELL US AT ONCE. If you do not tell us within 60 days after the statement was mailed to you, you may not get back any money lost after the 60 days if we can prove that we could have stopped someone from making the transfers if you had told us in time. If a good reason (such as a hospital stay) keeps you from telling us, we will extend the time periods.
If you believe your card or access code has been lost or stolen or that someone has transferred or may transfer money from your accounts without your permission, call: 800.543.2811 or write to:
America’s Credit Union
P.O. Box 671149
Dallas, TX 75367
You should also call the number or write to the address listed above if you believe a transfer has been made using the information from your check without your permission.
7. ACCOUNT INFORMATION DISCLOSURE — We will disclose information to third parties about your account or the transfers you make:
8. BUSINESS DAYS — Our business days are Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
9. CREDIT UNION LIABILITY FOR FAILURE TO MAKE TRANSFERS — If we do not complete a transfer to or from your account on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with you, we may be liable for your losses or damages. However, we will not be liable for direct or consequential damages in the following events:
10. NOTICES — All notices from us will be effective when we have mailed them or delivered them to the appropriate address in the Credit Union’s records. Written notice you provide in accordance with your responsibility to report unauthorized transactions to us will be considered given at the time you mail the notice or deliver it for transmission to us by any other usual means. All other notices from you will be effective when received by the Credit Union at the address specified in this Agreement. We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions upon which EFT services are offered and will provide notice to you in accordance with applicable law. Use of EFT services is subject to existing regulations governing your Credit Union account and any future changes to those regulations.
The following information is a list of safety precautions regarding the use of ATMs and night deposit facilities:
11. BILLING ERRORS — In case of errors or questions about electronic fund transfers from your savings and checking accounts or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt, telephone us at the following number or send us a written notice to the following address as soon as you can. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent the FIRST statement on which the problem appears. Call us at: 800.543.2811 or write to:
America’s Credit Union
P.O. Box 671149
Dallas, TX 75367
If you tell us orally, we may require that you send us your complaint or question in writing within ten (10) business days.
We will determine whether an error has occurred within ten (10)* business days after we hear from you and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to 45** days to investigate your complaint or question. If we decide to do this, we will credit your account within ten (10)** business days for the amount you think is in error so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. If we ask you to put your complaint or question in writing and we do not receive it within ten (10) business days, we may not credit your account.
We will tell you the results within three (3) business days after completing our investigation. If we decide that there was no error, we will send you a written explanation. You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation.
* If you give notice of an error occurring within 30 days after you make the first deposit to your account, we may take up to 20 business days instead of ten (10) business days to investigate the error.
** If you give notice of an error occurring within 30 days after you make the first deposit to your account, notice of an error involving a point-of-sale (POS) transaction, or notice of an error involving a transaction initiated outside the U.S., its possessions and territories, we may take up to 90 days instead of 45 days to investigate the error. Additionally, for errors occurring within 30 days after you make the first deposit to your account, we may take up to 20 business days instead of ten (10) business days to credit your account.
NOTE: If the error you assert is an unauthorized Visa transaction, other than a cash disbursement at an ATM, we will credit your account within five (5) business days unless we determine that the circumstances or your account history warrant a delay, in which case you will receive credit as described above.
12. TERMINATION OF EFT SERVICES — You may terminate this Agreement or any EFT service under this Agreement at any time by notifying us in writing and stopping your use of your card and any access code. You must return all cards to the Credit Union. You also agree to notify any participating merchants that the authority to make bill payment transfers has been revoked. We may also terminate this Agreement at any time by notifying you orally or in writing. If we terminate this Agreement, we may notify any participating merchants making preauthorized debits or credits to any of your accounts that this Agreement has been terminated and that we will not accept any further preauthorized transaction instructions. We may also program our computer not to accept your card or access code for any EFT service. Whether you or the Credit Union terminates this Agreement, the termination shall not affect your obligations under this Agreement for any electronic transactions made prior to termination.
13. GOVERNING LAW — This Agreement is governed by the bylaws of the Credit Union, federal laws and regulations, the laws and regulations of the state of Texas, and local clearinghouse rules, as amended from time to time. Any disputes regarding this Agreement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the court of the county in which the Credit Union is located.
14. ENFORCEMENT — You are liable to us for any losses, costs, or expenses we incur resulting from your failure to follow this Agreement. You authorize us to deduct any such losses, costs, or expenses from your account without prior notice to you. If we bring a legal action to collect any amount due under or to enforce this Agreement, we shall be entitled, subject to applicable law, to payment of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, including fees on any appeal, bankruptcy proceedings, and any post-judgment collection actions.